The Pain of Healing

Satan is evil personified.

However, it wasn’t until after Jordan died that I understood this on a deeper level. Losing a child comprises, in my opinion, the single worst day of a parent’s life. After Jordan died I was in a state of relentless despair. To my surprise (and I shouldn’t have been surprised) satan didn’t stop there. He had more widespread damage in mind. He wanted to “finish the job.” He tormented me psychologically. He heaped shame upon me. He accused me of not trying harder to be a good dad to my son. He would constantly fill my mind with, “If only you had….” Sometimes these attacks left me in a fetal position on the floor crying out.

Then, one day, I learned another biblical truth on a deeper level….

Satan is a sociopathic liar (John 8:44), fighting for his life because “he knows his time is short.” (Rev. 12:12)

Jesus reminded me, “Nick, don’t listen to the devil. He has been devastatingly conquered – and humiliated – by my blood – which was given for you, my child.” (Eph. 2:13-19; Col. 2:13-15; Rom. 8:37) ‘I am…the Truth, Nick’. (John 14:6) I have set your soul free. Let me set your mind free, as well. Regardless of what cheap shots the devil takes, remember that he’s taking those shots en route to eternal torment.” (Rev. 20:10) Endure this pain, Nick – in My strength – not yours. You have complete access to all that I Am (Philippians 4:13). If you’ll let Me, I will take your present hurt and transform it into heavenly power. In your weakness I am strong.” (2 Cor. 12:10)

In his never-ending attempts to sustain our wounds, the devil, as clever & sly as he is, reveals a fatal flaw. His hubris leaves him exposed to TRUTH. When Paul wrote, “I am crucified with Christ, therefore it’s no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me…” (Gal. 2:20) he was telling us the entire life-changing, life-saving, painful, powerful process of the cross is now ours. Our wounds were imputed to Jesus Christ that day. His healing was imputed to us. My wound left from Jordan’s death is now Christ’s wound. And we know what God said through Isaiah: “By His wounds we are HEALED.” (Is. 53:5)

So, every time your wounds (emotional, psychological, or physical) are under attack, focus on the Truth, Jesus Christ. Because our wounds now belong to Him. And His wounds heal.

Soli Deo Gloria, Nick