At the Corner of Guilt & Shame

She was a Samaritan.

The Jews hated Samaritans.

She, due to her own bad choices, had a rough past. And her present situation wasn’t any better.

Jews didn’t speak to Samaritans, much less a Jewish man speak to a Samaritan woman. But Jesus not only spoke to her, he initiated the conversation.  John records the disciples (who were arriving from a trip into town) “were surprised to find [Jesus] talking with a woman.”

Samaritan women typically came to Jacob’s Well to draw water in the early morning or late evening to avoid the hot sun. This woman, alone, came during the afternoon. John MacArthur comments on this passage: “The woman coming to the well alone may indicate that her public shame caused her to be isolated from other women.”

But, regardless of when this woman had decided to show up at the well, this was no chance meeting. It was a divine appointment. An encounter.

And, at the corner of Guilt & Shame, Jesus was waiting for her (He never misses an appointment :)) – offering restoration and redemption, all because of love.

Having arrived at the well at the corner of Guilt & Shame, she was departing the well from the corner of Love & Grace.

Returning to her home restored & redeemed, John writes, “Many Samaritans from that town believed in Him because of the woman’s testimony.”

Guilt & Shame come from Satan.

Boundless Love and Amazing Grace are offered to you and me freely through Christ Jesus.

Are you weighed down with guilt and shame?  Come to the well. Rest in Christ.  Drink Living Water.

Read the entire story in John’s gospel.

Soli Deo Gloria, Nick