Need Some Really Good News? Here you go…

After his resurrection, the first person to see the risen Jesus was Mary Magdalene. One of the things Jesus said to Mary was this: “Go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.   (John 20:17)

John MacArthur comments on this passage: “The disciples have been called ‘servants’ or ‘friends’, but not ‘*brothers*’ until here in this passage. Because of Jesus’ work on the Cross in place of the sinner, this new relationship to Christ was made possible….[Furthermore], when Jesus appeared to the disciples, his greeting, ‘Peace be with you,’ complements his words, ‘It is finished’, on the Cross, for his work on the Cross accomplished peace between God and his people.”

It is so very clear that, in Christ, God did all of this (came to earth, “put on skin”, lived a perfect life, taught the truth, died a horrific death, and rose again) – just to be with you and me. He loves you so very much.

Paul wrote, “But now, in Christ Jesus, you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” (Ephesians 2:13)

Hallelujah, Nick